Results for: blind

FESFloatingWaves Symbol pattern
fesfloatingwaves, floatingwaves, bars, waves, wave, floating, bar, window, blind, blinds, slide, sliding, motion, slideshow, gallery, elastic, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, image, fes The pattern performs floating bar-waves effects based on several different presets.
FESMultipleFlip Symbol pattern
fesmultipleflip, multipleflip, spiral, wave, waves, waving, stripe, stripes, flip, flipping, 3d, amazing, blind, blinds, line, lines, bar, bars, dynamic, flying, mask, masking, motion, movement, rotate, rotating, rotation, spin, spinning, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, cool, fes The pattern creates waving, spiral-like, multiple 3D flip effects on the target object.
FESWavy Symbol pattern
feswavy, wavy, waving, bars, wave, waves, bar, fade, alpha, stripes, stripe, line, lines, bounce, bouncing, blind, blinds, elastic, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fes The pattern creates effects with waving bars based on alpha transition.

FESFlipBars Symbol pattern
fesflipbars, flipbars, flip, flipping, bars, bar, window, blind, blinds, shades, gallery, slideshow, line, lines, wave, waving, waves, image, symbol, movie, clip, movieclip, card, fes The pattern enables you to create flipping bars transitions over the target object across a selected axis.
FESWaves Symbol pattern
feswaves, wave, waves, waving, bars, stripe, stripes, scale, bar, blind, blinds, shades, gallery, slideshow, line, lines, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, fes Performs bar waves effects based on several different presets.
FESScaleBars Symbol pattern
fesscalebars, scalebars, bars, scaled, bar, stripe, stripes, window, blind, blinds, scale, scaling, line, lines, shades, slider, image, gallery, slideshow, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, card, fes The pattern creates transitions based on scaled bars that resemble window blinds, covering and uncovering the window.

3d    adjust    agitate    alpha    banner    bitmap    blur    bounce    circles    cloudy    color    cool    corners    cover    diamond    distortion    divide    domino    down    drop    duplicate    elastic    electricity    explode    explosion    fade    fading    fill    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flip    flow    fluid    flying    font    framing    gallery    glare    glass    glitter    glow    group    heartbeat    horizontal    image    images    in    industrial    intro    led    lens    letter    logo    magic    magnifying    mask    matrix    moonlight    motion    noisy    out    overlaying    particle    particles    photo    picture    rain    ripple    rolling    romantic    rotating    scale    scroll    shadow    shake    slide    slideshow    snow    sparkle    spiral    splash    squares    star    stroke    sunbeam    symbol    teleporting    tv    unpack    water    wave    waving    web    website    white    wind    zoom