Results for: industrial

FETIndustrial Text pattern
fetindustrial, text, rotate, rotation, rotating, pieces, layer, layers, industrial, puzzle, slide, sliding, fet, divide Creates industrial-like, complex movement and rotation transitions based on separating the text on layers to recreate it back like in an industrial puzzle.
FETIndustrial2 Text pattern
fetindustrial2, industrial2, text, rotate, rotation, rotating, pieces, layer, layers, industrial, puzzle, slide, sliding, fet, divide Creates industrial-like, complex movement and rotation transitions based on separating the texts on layers to recreate it back like in an industrial puzzle.
FEFGridSquares Filter pattern
fefgridsquares, gridsquares, square, squares, mask, masking, retro, industrial, pixel, led, round, rounded, disco, filter, fef, divide The pattern applies a grid mask over the clip, to give it a retro or "industrial" look.

3d    adjust    agitate    alpha    art    ascii    axis    banner    best    bevel    bitmap    blur    bullet    color    cool    cover    diamond    drop    electricity    enigmatic    explode    fade    fading    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flip    flow    folding    following    font    gallery    gaussian    glitter    glossy    glow    hue    image    in    lens    levitate    liquid    logo    mask    matrix    moonlight    motion    movement    mystery    out    overlaying    page    particle    particles    photo    picture    polaroid    rain    rainbow    reflect    reflecting    retro    reveal    ripple    rotating    saturation    scaled    scroll    shake    shape    shine    shining    shiny    shutter    simple    slide    slideshow    snow    snowdrift    snowflake    spark    sparkle    sparks    sphere    spiral    splash    star    stroke    sunset    transition    transparent    tv    vignette    water    wave    waving    website    zoom