Results for: flicker

FETNeonTubes Text pattern
fetneontubes, neontubes, text, neon, flicker, flickering, flashing, blinking, electric, electricity, mask, masking, fet The pattern creates lightning neon tubes on groups.
FESBadTransmission Symbol pattern
fesbadtransmission, badtransmission, bad, tv, screen, transmission, television, noise, noisy, flicker, flickering, electric, electricity, old, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, fes This pattern allows you to play with your clip and create a bad transmission-like effect, like those you find in the ol' days of television.
FEFLevitate Filter pattern
feflevitate, levitate, flicker, filter, motion, blur, weightlessness, blurry, flying, hover, greetings, fef, love The pattern creates the state of weightlessness, the target object levitates easily with a light blur effect.

3d    agitate    alpha    banner    beveling    bitmap    blink    blood    blur    brightness    bullet    burn    color    cool    corners    creation    desert    distort    domino    dots    drop    elastic    electric    equalizer    explode    fade    fading    filter    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flashing    flickering    flip    floating    flow    focus    font    frame    gallery    glitter    glittering    glow    grid    hexagon    image    in    layers    lens    logo    magnifier    mask    matrix    mirage    motion    mystery    out    particle    particles    photo    photography    picture    pouring    rain    realistic    ripple    romantic    rotating    rounded    scaled    scan    scroll    sea    shake    shapes    simple    slice    sliced    slide    slider    slideshow    snow    snowdrift    sparkle    sphere    spinning    splash    star    symbol    transparent    tv    twilight    water    wave    waving    website    zoom    zooming