Results for: rounded

FESRoundedSquareScale Symbol pattern
fesroundedsquarescale, roundedsquarescale, square, squares, scaling, rounded, corner, scale, bubble, bubbles, puzzle, gallery, slideshow, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, fes The pattern creates effects based on animated squares with rounded corners, which are scaled during the transition.
FEFRoundedMask Filter pattern
fefroundedmask, roundedmask, rounded, mask, masking, corners, frame, border, stroke, image, photo, picture, filter, fef This pattern applies a rounded corners mask on the target clip.
FEFGridSquares Filter pattern
fefgridsquares, gridsquares, square, squares, mask, masking, retro, industrial, pixel, led, round, rounded, disco, filter, fef, divide The pattern applies a grid mask over the clip, to give it a retro or "industrial" look.

3d    agitate    alpha    aura    balloon    banner    beat    bitmap    black    blind    blinds    blur    bubble    bubbles    bullet    clarity    clip    clock    color    cool    desert    disassembled    distort    domino    drop    explode    fade    fading    filling    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flip    flow    flying    gallery    glass    glitter    glow    grid    group    hue    image    in    layer    lens    letter    lightness    logo    magic    mask    masks    matrix    mirroring    motion    out    pack    panels    particle    particles    photo    picture    pictures    pie    puzzle    radiance    rain    reveal    ripple    rotating    scaled    scan    screen    scroll    scrolling    sea    shake    shoot    slide    slideshow    snow    sparkle    sparkling    speed    splash    star    symbol    tv    twinkle    unpack    vibration    vignette    water    wave    waving    website    zoom    zooming