TypeError: fileList[i].split is not a function
October 15, 2008 08:24AM
I can drop the component onto an object on the stage but when I open the panel to add a transition I get this error:

TypeError: fileList[i].split is not a function

followed by a note telling me there is a minor update that I must download. The cycle then begins again.

Is there something more I need to do to complete the installation other than installing the .mxp?
Re: TypeError: fileList[i].split is not a function
October 16, 2008 11:01AM
We have added a post with all the information we require to try to help you out. Unfortunately we couldn't reproduce the error so we need as much information as you can give us, regarding the context in which the error has happened: http://www.flasheff.com/forum/read.php?23,805.
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