x position of text animation created not accurate
August 27, 2010 04:38AM
Dear admin,

I bought the eff2 few months now. Amazing stuff. I have an issue with the eff2 in my work, I created dynamic text field with FlashEff2 instance on it then convert it into movie clip. when I test the movie, the text appeared correctly with the animation I have selected from the FlashEff2 panel except, position is around 50 pixels to the right.

I tried create a copy of the same TEXT on the stage exactly below the one with FlashEff2 instance, and test movie, i am getting the TEXT stays where exactly it should be but not the one with the FlashEff2 instance.

no matter where I move that text (with FlashEff2 instance), it always ended up number pixels to the right.

I have been looking here and there but cant seems to find any answer to this issue.

Can anyone who created FlashEff2 help me with this?

thanks in advance.
Re: x position of text animation created not accurate
August 27, 2010 12:53PM
I'm having a very similar issue. mine seems to end up 100 or 150px to the right though.

I'm not joking.
Re: x position of text animation created not accurate
August 30, 2010 01:29PM
The last question from this link:

Q:The Target textfield's position changes while the animation is playing.
A: This malfunction appears when the target texfield is initially created as a Static textfield then converted to dynamic textfield . To ovoid this problem, the textfield needs to be set as a dynamic textfield before creating it on the stage.

I hope this will solve your problem.
Re: x position of text animation created not accurate
August 30, 2010 05:03PM
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