External text not loading:S
October 22, 2008 03:17PM
I have a slideshow with 4 slides, after I've applied the component to all of them them, none of them worked.

The XML generated text only appears on when the instance is on "hide" only

The text is at [www.spicytest.com]



Re: External text not loading:S
October 23, 2008 11:10AM
I managed to take a look at your files. Actually the external text is loading but is not showing up because of several problems. I'll explain them for each file.

- Main_banner.fla - all the external lines are loading but the first line (<line1>) is not showing up because the clip containing the corresponding text field is not on the stage (this.line1 is undefined) - so when you try to set the text inside that clip, there is an error message displayed saying that a term is undefined and has no properties

- main_banner_new.fla - was working

- Promo1.fla - was working

- Promo2.fla - the text was loading but the effect didn't show up because of the static text field containing some text with the same font used for the text effect; in this case the font was already embedded by the static text field so Flash player had problems embedding a second time the characters needed for the effect

- Promo3.fla - you placed the code on the layer used as mask so it didn't execute at all
Re: External text not loading:S
October 23, 2008 12:22PM

- Main_banner.fla - The text field is found in the line1 MC thus the this.line1.line1.text address.. as far as I know, this is correct
- Promo1.fla - does not work. As I explained in my first post, it only works when the text instance is on hide. I've delayed the hide by 20 seconds to show you what i mean [www.spicytest.com]
- Promo2.fla - I removed the static text. the text is still only displayed on the hide part... see the new swf at [www.spicytest.com]
- Promo3.fla - Yes, the code will still work if you put it on the masking layer (as long as it is published) ... see the new swf at [www.spicytest.com]
Re: External text not loading:S
October 28, 2008 07:14AM
This issue has been solved through mail support.
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