Cant position textField with actionscript
September 24, 2008 11:40AM

I have placed a FETHorizontalDisolve effect on a textfield. I want to position the textfield with actionscript like this:

body_txt.y = 100;

However, it wont move to that position when there is FETHorizontalDisolve effect on it.

This is how I have done it.

import com.jumpeye.flashEff.text.horizontalDisolve.FETHorizontalDisolve;
var effect1:FlashEff = new FlashEff();
var pattern1:FETHorizontalDisolve = new FETHorizontalDisolve();
effect1.showTransition = pattern1;
effect1.showTransition["preset"] = 3;
effect1.showAutoPlay = false;
pattern1.tweenDuration = 0.7;
effect1.hideTransition = pattern1;
effect1.hideAutoPlay = false;
addChild(effect1); = body_txt;

Any clues?

Re: Cant position textField with actionscript
September 24, 2008 12:00PM
Okay, I solved it.

I positioned the textfield by positioning the effect placed on it, like this:

effect1.y = 100;


Re: Cant position textField with actionscript
September 25, 2008 05:50AM
You need to position the text field before you apply the effect on it, like this:
body_txt.y = 100; = body_txt;
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