Moving targets
June 13, 2009 12:42PM

I am trying to use FETDynamicCurve on a a movieclip that can move while the transition is being played. It can move because the user controls the position/rotation of the object.

FlashEff seems to have a problem with that.

If the target moves or rotates while the transition is playing the letters all end up in incorrect locations. Is it possible that the end locations of the letters are precalculated based on global position ( not local )of the target in the the beginning of the animation? So if the target moves, all gets messed up?

Note that this all works perfectly if the user does not move the target WHILE the animation plays. He can move and rotate his target prior to the effect being applied and everything works.

Re: Moving targets
June 13, 2009 12:54PM
I have noticed that some patterns like bubbles work correctly.

Just try to wrap a FlashEff and a target into a movieclip and tween the position of the wrapper as the effect is playing. You will noticed what I mean.

Too bad for me because the library was bought for a project that needs the FETDynamicCurve() ;)

I hope someone has a solution for this.

Re: Moving targets
June 15, 2009 06:12AM
Hi Sammi,

I can explain what is happening. FETDynamicCurve creates a bitmap data ( its like a picture ) of the target and even though the target changes or moves it still has the same bitmap data stored in his memory. Other patterns, like FETBubbles or FETSpiral do not create any bitmap data of the target so they will work while the target is moving. If possible try to listen to the on end event of the animation and only when the event is called allow the user to move the target.
Hope it helps.
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