2nd FlashEff component not working
April 24, 2009 04:19PM
I'm new to FlashEff and I'm very frustrated. Thought this would be much easier with more reliable results. I applied an FETmagneticwind to the first dynamic text box in my FLA. Works fine. I created another dynamic text box with different instance name on a different layer. I brought in the FlashEff component, same procedures as the tutorials and as I did for the other one. I chose Show - FETmagneticwind / Hide - FETScaleBlur. It doesn't want to work when I test movie. I have no clue how to trouble shoot this and it's causing me to miss a deadline. I tried separating it out, with Show - FETmagneticwind at one key frame, then later in the timeline putting in a second keyframe, changing the instance name and applying Hide - FETScaleBlur. That didn't work either. So far, I'm pretty disappointed, but realize it could have a simple solution. In the dark for now.
Re: 2nd FlashEff component not working
April 24, 2009 10:20PM
It appears to me that each text box must be put inside a Movie Clip to have more than one work. I tried this and it worked. This is an extra step not covered in the tutorials. Am I wrong? Got it working for now.
Re: 2nd FlashEff component not working
April 27, 2009 07:51AM
It's true, sometimes FlashEff reacts with other FlashEff instances, the best way to avoid this is to put them in separate MovieClips. You are right, this is not covered in the tutorials, but you can get a lot of information about this from the forums.
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