List of patterns
July 20, 2008 06:07AM
Is there a list of patterns that are available with the premium account? What would be even better is a section on the site with examples of each of the patterns. It would be most helpful to break the samples up into three categories....
-Free patterns
-Movie Clip Patterns
-Text FX patterns

I would be more than happy to buy a license if I could see what I am getting.

I viewed the demo and the interface looks nice, but I get many errors when changing through patterns on one object. However I have not read the instructions yet so maybe I am doing something wrong. If not then that is another reason to have a gallery of the effects even for people who have purchased the license. This way they can see the effects all in one place before choosing them.
Re: List of patterns
July 20, 2008 11:23AM
Hope this helps

Re: List of patterns
July 20, 2008 03:23PM
Yes that does help slightly.... Its a start. But I still have no idea what those look like. I also dont know which ones are for movie clips and which are for text.

The other worry I have is...

I am looking at new components because the ones I bought 6 months ago... and LOVE just stopped working last night and I can't get a hold of the company at all. So what happens when your company goes out of business? Does by plugin stop working like the one i have now? I am in the middle of a project that uses my old components and now when I try to edit them it removes them from my project saying i don't have a serial number. VERY ANNOYING that i paid cash money for this and can't use it and its in the MIDDLE of a project that was already approved.
Re: List of patterns
July 21, 2008 06:16AM
ngreenup, you shouldn't worry about your purchased components not working. If you finish and compile a Flash project, the FlashEff component would work just fine. It doesn't need communication with our servers or any other checking of this sort. Once it's compiled into the .swf file, it works exactly how you made it work.

The only one requiring Internet connection is the FlashEff panel, that is used to set up the component. However, you can set up the component using ActionScript code too, so you don't necessarily need to use the panel, especially for those projects where you only need to use code.

Regarding the documentation and examples for our patterns, we will have video tutorials showing you what each of our patterns do. For now we only have general use tutorials about the FlashEff component itself: In a few weeks we'll post the videos about the patterns too. I hope this is ok for you.
Re: List of patterns
July 22, 2008 04:46PM
I wish there was an interface/pattern viewer like ... which is really, really good when you're playing around, finding that near-perfect animation and then tweaking it to your liking.

How about it, guys?
Give us :)
Re: List of patterns
July 23, 2008 07:18AM
:) @ mores,

We are working on it, and very very soon (less than a month) it will be available, and also, a browse/save/favorites subpanel will be available inside the panel itself, so you will be able to test any published effect animation right inside your project with no additional steps ..
Also we will launch a TxEff v2, based on FlashEff but it will only work on textfields, and will have about 80 patterns included, including filters... For those that are using FlashEff no upgrade is needed, since TxEff V2 will be a direct derivate from FlashEff only for those that need it for the text.

Also, in the next days a new major update is comming for FlashEff, a more advanced panel will be available and the FlashEff component itself has been optimized from 40 KB (compressed size) to 23 KB, so if you want to use it to create a banner for 50KB restrictions, you will be able to do this easily with FlashEff, a text, a couple of FE patterns and a logo/image. Also, there are new patterns to be launched, and the open API to create your own FE Patterns..

Stay tuned!
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