Import By Id
January 12, 2009 08:30PM
Once or twice I have successfully been able to 'Import By Id' from the FlashEff gallery. Lately even though I am signed in, I import the id and it never gets to the next step (just keeps spinning). Same with 'Preview' and 'Browse Gallery' from the FlashEff menu - any ideas why?
Re: Import By Id
January 13, 2009 08:45AM
Is it happening when importing effects with a specific pattern or it happens with all patterns ? And what id are you trying to import ? Also what pattern are you trying to preview ? Is it happening when previewing a specific pattern ?
Re: Import By Id
January 14, 2009 01:35PM
It was happening with all patterns, any id and 'Browse Gallery' which made me think it was an internet connection problem, except that I could sign in without a problem. I tried again today however and was able to successfully import an id from the FlashEff gallery - thanks...
Re: Import By Id
January 23, 2009 02:02PM
Next time this happens just restart your Flash, this should do the trick.
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