making a flip button with reflect
December 19, 2008 04:33AM
Hi -
I have been trying to make a simple flip button that has a reflect on both the front and the back. For simplicity, I have made two squares and converted them to movieclips - mc_red and mc_green. I want the animation to load with the red square showing, with a reflection, and then when hovered over it will flip to the green square, with reflection. This sounds simple, but I cannot get a reflection on the green square...what am I missing? I've tried various permutations of making the reflected squares first, etc.

Re: making a flip button with reflect
December 19, 2008 04:48AM
Wow. I figured it out about a minute after I posted this...uncheck "Draw after filters". Now what I would like to do is, instead of having the flip triggered by hover, I want to have it as an onclick event from a button. I may be able to get this by myself, but just in case, could someone advise me on how to script this? The sequence will be, using my previous example:
load- red showing
click button, flip to green,
click button again, back to red

Re: making a flip button with reflect
December 19, 2008 07:40AM
Unfortunately button effects are only applied on mouse roll over and roll out and that cannot be changed. Maybe we'll come up with a Flip command in the future that could be applied on press and release too.
Re: making a flip button with reflect
December 19, 2008 11:32AM
Is there no way for me to script a separate, external button that can trigger the flip?
Re: making a flip button with reflect
December 19, 2008 12:23PM
Unfortunately with script you could only apply the show/hide transitions. However, the show hide transitions, would need to be very well synchronized to replicate the button flip.
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