Timeline-based effects and user pausing?
December 12, 2008 10:52PM
I have yet to download FlashEff, but before I do, I have a question:

A lot of the stuff I'm expected to provide for clients revolves around timeline animation. I'd love to be able to spice up my text effects with some of the things present in FlashEff (or TextEff), but I'm also expected to provide a pause button for the users. If a user clicked the pause button while an effect generated by FlashEff was in progress, would the effect pause too, or is it not tied to the main timeline?

I guess the easier way to ask it is this: Are the effects generated by FlashEff purely script-based, and if so, do they expose methods for stopping and starting?

I don't mind writing a function that examines all the FlashEff instances and either stops or starts them as necessary, but...well, I'm rambling now, but hopefully this makes sense to someone? Thanks for humoring me!
Re: Timeline-based effects and user pausing?
December 15, 2008 07:02AM
The FlashEff and TxEff components and all of their patterns are code based components. This means that they can execute in a timeline animation but they are not tied to the timeline (they could just as well execute on a single frame). Also, they do not have a pause feature, the only way for them to stop is to remove the effect from the target object.
Re: Timeline-based effects and user pausing?
December 15, 2008 02:14PM
Negush, thanks for responding.

I was looking at the documentation for applying FlashEff patterns, and I noticed there was a property called isTransitioning; I'm assuming I could write my pause/play listeners to look at this property and react accordingly. I'm curious, though: I didn't see anything (and it's entirely possible I just missed it!) that indicates a percentage of completeness for an effect: does such a property exist?

Thanks for your time and patience!
Re: Timeline-based effects and user pausing?
December 16, 2008 06:20AM
No, there is no such property that would tell you how much of the transition is complete. The component dispatches events for the start and end of a transition and the duration of the transition is done by the tweenDuration property.
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