how can I make sure that my swf plays only when fully loaded?
December 08, 2008 09:58PM
how can I make sure that my swf filed created by flasheff plays only when fully loaded?

Re: how can I make sure that my swf plays only when fully loaded?
December 08, 2008 10:37PM
Please! I need to have a definitive Flasheff version of a loader; I don't have time to troubleshoot other preloaders online. I purchased Flasheff to have a comprehensive solution, and the preloader should be a component in that solution.
Re: how can I make sure that my swf plays only when fully loaded?
December 09, 2008 07:37AM
FlashEff is an animation component so it has nothing to do with loading or preloading. This job is left to another component/piece of code. Anyway, I've posted an example on how to preload FlashEff animation but not necessarily just that. You can actually use it to preload anything:,1207.
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