Flash Eff 2 Premium and other animations???
April 24, 2012 01:00PM
HI I am interested in buying the premium version of FlashEff2.
But before i do, i would like to know if i can use the effect from the component and
other frame by frame animations...

So lets say i have a title, it comes and goes with effects from flash eff 2 but while it was
showing i wanted to have some character animation frame by frame come and go as well.

how do i manage my time line in that situation???
is it even possible???

Please let me know ASAP!!!

Thanks in advance.
Re: Flash Eff 2 Premium and other animations???
April 25, 2012 08:50AM
Of course, you can do that. You just need to use the timeline and have a separate layer for each object on the stage. This way you will easily manage to create what you need. You don't need to buy the component in order to test it in your scenario. Just download the free version and test it and see if you are satisfied with the results.
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