max frames
September 07, 2011 09:30PM

i want to know is there a maximum number of frames for flasheff 2.0? because after about 800 frames my swf starts to show weird problems, like ultra slow tweens and movieclips disappear and show suddenly back. and when I calculate the number of frames needed for a tween it does not match with the actual tween time.
Re: max frames
September 08, 2011 11:26AM
There isn't a limit for flasheff specifically. This is mostly related with how much flash and flash player can handle. Also, it's recommended to not have a huge amount of information directly on the stage(which happens when you add flasheff directly on the stage). The solution and workaround is to put both flasheff and its target into a movieclip.

"The task is quite simple: select the FlashEff component instance from the stage together with its target object (text field or movie clip) and convert them to a symbol (movie clip).
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