Skip intro
July 01, 2011 06:02AM
I have a small 1 frame intro with delays set on multiple flasheff2 components. Is there a way to add a skip intro button that will override these and jump to the last frame of the intro, without making this a timeline based animation?
Re: Skip intro
July 01, 2011 10:52AM
How can you skip and go to another frame since you have only 1 frame? If you want to stop the animation you just need to call removeEffect or removeAll method, depending on the situation, on each flasheff when you click on skip button.
Re: Skip intro
July 01, 2011 02:00PM
Yes, I phrased the question incorrectly.... Is there a way to override the delays for each effect? If my last effect is the one I want to skip to, and it has an 8 second delay on the show, is it possible to override that and show it when the button is clicked?
Re: Skip intro
July 04, 2011 07:41AM
You can try to set the showDelay on the flasheff instance of your last effect to zero and then set the showAutoPlay to true.
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