Can I use buttons with FlashEff2 to pause and play a movie clip without Flasheff on it?

Posted by szimmer 

I am using FlashEff2. I have two buttons on the main timeline. Each have the Flasheff on them. One is for play and the other is for pause.

I have a movie clip on the main timeline too. Inside the movie clip, I have a slide show with Flasheff2. There is no FlashEff2 on the SlideShow movie clip at the main timeline.

Is there any way to play and pause the movie clip (SlideShow) from the main timeline with the two buttons?


Re: Can I use buttons with FlashEff2 to pause and play a movie clip without Flasheff on it?
March 28, 2011 06:55AM
Yes, that should be possible with some action script code.
Depending on the transition type you will need to set the auto play delay for show and hide to true or false.
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