Adding text effect sets field's y position to 0

Posted by user542011 
Adding text effect sets field's y position to 0
January 16, 2011 11:22PM
I'm trying to align various textfields underneath one another after a Flash EFF effect completes.

However, applying a Flash EFF 2 text effect to a dynamic textfield seems to wipe out that field's y parameter.

For instance, before applying the effect, the textfield's y position is 35. After adding the component onto my textfield, that textfield's y parameter gets set to 0 (although the text position never changes on stage).

What's going on? How can I find the textfield's y position?
Re: Adding text effect sets field's y position to 0
January 17, 2011 07:27AM
In the FAQ section of the forum you can find a solution to this problem.
Q:The Target textfield's position changes while the animation is playing.
A: This malfunction appears when the target texfield is initially created as a Static textfield then converted to dynamic textfield . To ovoid this problem, the textfield needs to be set as a dynamic textfield before creating it on the stage.
Let me know if this solved your problem.
Re: Adding text effect sets field's y position to 0
January 19, 2011 07:32PM
Thanks for responding to my post - but I already saw that in the FAQ and this seems not to be what's causing my disappearing Y property. My text box WAS initially created as dynamic, NOT static text. Yet Flash is still reporting the Y property as being 0 when a trace is run (the position of the textfield itself doesn't change on stage, but I can not target its true Y position through actionscript).

I also tested this on a brand new FLA, and made doubly sure the new text box was created as Dynamic - still the error occurs.
Re: Adding text effect sets field's y position to 0
January 20, 2011 07:15AM
Alright, I understand now.
If you already applied a flasheff instance on the target, then from now on when you need the x or y property for the target, you need to get it from flasheff instance. So, instead of myText.y try to use flasheffInstance.y
eg trace(flasheffInstance.y)
Let me know how it works.
Re: Adding text effect sets field's y position to 0
January 23, 2011 11:18AM
Yes - that works. Thank you.
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