Animation Hangs after scrolling down

Posted by user393321 
Animation Hangs after scrolling down
October 18, 2010 10:25PM
Hello, this is my first post and I very much am impressed with FlashEff2.

My problem is:
I've published my .swf file and embedded it into my HTML document. The animation initializes fine and the transitions play as expected on the web page: CCA South Carolina News.

However, if I scroll down the page to where I can't see the FlashEff2 animation anymore (or even switch to a new tab temporarily), and scroll back up to the FlashEff2 animation once again, there is a 2-4 second time lapse where nothing shows during the animation (as if the .swf file is trying to reset to a "blur in' point in the timeline).

In the source .swf file there are no such delays.

I've read all of the forum posts and viewed all the tutorials, to try to save you all some headache in advance.

Does anyone know why this occurs? I noticed that this behavior occurred even if I embedded the tutorial file 'timeline_animations.swf' that came with FlashEff2. I have Flash Player 10 installed.

thank you all for your time in advance,
Re: Animation Hangs after scrolling down
October 21, 2010 02:38PM
Well, this is quite strange. Could you please open a ticket and send us the source file for the swf so we can test it and try to figure out what makes it behave this way?Thank you.
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