eff2 and pattern preset number.

Posted by raystudio 
eff2 and pattern preset number.
October 28, 2010 10:10AM
Know that many folks uses eff2 just in a drag&drop way but for those who use AS3 mostly comes little obstacle whilst setting the pattern. I have to try each one separatively to figure out which is the number of preset I want to use (myEffect.preset = someNumber).
That would be great deal if in the eff2 panel after clicking preset its number name could be shown (i.e. in the info cloud of the pattern or elsewhere). Would be that worth of seeing closer for you? I hope so. This would shorten setup time of the component.
Or am I missing something and I just can not find it?
Kind regards Pawel
Re: eff2 and pattern preset number.
October 28, 2010 02:46PM
If you will use the online panel (http://www.flasheff.com/onlinepanel.html), specifically, use copy code feature, which will copy to clipboard the settings you used in the online panel, and then paste the settings in your file you will get all the properties you've set, including the preset property.
Re: eff2 and pattern preset number.
October 28, 2010 05:35PM
Thanks for the tip. Actually the idea came out when using Nano, but after all I forgot about online panel - never used it before. Actually I am used to eff2 AS generator, but OK. does not matter. So, as I guess we need to wait for online panel for eff2 Nano.
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