Button hit area
September 20, 2010 06:42PM
I've created a button that has a reflection filter so the button looks like it is floating and reflection animates exactly like the button when it is rolled over or clicked...looks awesome and created in no time flat! Only problem is that the reflection itself is now part of the button and clicking on the reflection will activate the button as well. Can a Hit area be defined to limit interaction to only the original button? ...or is there a simple way to get the reflection to not interact with the button?
Re: Button hit area
September 21, 2010 11:30AM
Unfortunately, there isn't any way of doing exactly what you want.
Something similar can be done though.
You can put together on instance of flasheff (myButtonEffect) and the button (myButton) in a movieclip(myMovieClip).
Then you take another flasheff (myFilterEffect) and apply it on the myMovieClip.
In the first frame, on the same level with myMovieClip, you have to call the setXML method ( myMovieClip.myButtonEffect.setXML(........)) on myButtonEffect, giving it the needed configuration of the xml for your button preset.
I know it's a little complicated but with some attention you will manage to this.
Note: I said something similar because for some button presets you won't get the normal result (because the original flasheff reference was changed).
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