Effect go outside mask object
July 26, 2010 09:08PM
I have a problem. Look on this site http://at7.website.pl/bajkowee/
Click on button "O NAS" and see the animation effect start below rectangle with content. And now click button "G?ówna". I want this same animation start on "O NAS" page. It is possible to animate only masked content ??? Can help somebody ?
Re: Effect go outside mask object
July 27, 2010 08:22AM

You have this problem because flasheff target is bigger than what we see and what is visible.
The solutions are a little complicated and there is not 100% chance of working but I will try to explain in a simple way:
-you need to extend the flasheff target movieclip class and override the height, width and get bounds properties.
-another way you can do this is to buy JCLoader component and load the movieclip with it.
If you have any other question please let me know.
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