isTargetVisibleAtEnd jumpy
June 10, 2010 10:51AM

When I use isTargetVisibleAtEnd on a textField it snaps quite ugly at the end of the animation. I'm already using interger for the target objects x and y, but does anybody have another aproach in how to make this smooth?

thanks! /M
Re: isTargetVisibleAtEnd jumpy
June 10, 2010 12:57PM

Please also make sure that you set the textField's "Anti-alias" mode to "Anti-alias for animation" and let me know if that issue persists. Thank you.
Re: isTargetVisibleAtEnd jumpy
June 10, 2010 07:14PM

Thankyou for your reply! I'm already using animation anti-aliasing (from the textpanel in flash), I'v also tried different fonts to se if that matters.. Maybe there is something wrong with my code?

import com.jumpeye.Events.FLASHEFFEvents;
	import com.jumpeye.flashEff2.text.lineBent.FETLineBent;	
	private var effect:FlashEff2Code;
	private var showEffect:FETLineBent;
	// flash eff
	effect = new FlashEff2Code();
	effect.showAutoPlay = false;
	effect.hideAutoPlay = false;
	effect.hideDelay = 0;
	effect.showDelay = 0.2;
	effect.isTargetVisibleAtEnd = true;	

	showEffect = new FETLineBent();
	showEffect.bentAmount = 10; 
	showEffect.yDifference = 20;
	showEffect.groupDuration = 1;
	showEffect.partialBlurAmount = 30;
	showEffect.partialGroup = "lines";
	showEffect.tweenType = "Exponential";
	showEffect.easeType = "easeOut";
	effect.showTransition = showEffect; = info_mc.texten_mc.texten;
	info_mc.text_mc.texten.htmlText = "all the text....";
	info_mc.text_mc.texten.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
	info_mc.text_mc.texten.embedFonts = true;
	info_mc.text_mc.texten.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
	info_mc.text_mc.texten.gridFitType = GridFitType.NONE;, 0.15, { alpha:1 } );
	//info_mc.texten_mc.x = Math.round(info_mc.texten_mc.x);
	//info_mc.texten_mc.y = Math.round(info_mc.texten_mc.y);;

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/10/2010 07:14PM by user368231.
Re: isTargetVisibleAtEnd jumpy
June 11, 2010 06:34AM
After I used GridFitType.NONE; it's a little bit smoother, not completely gone but ok to use. /M
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