Youtubing my animation
March 21, 2010 12:03AM

I have been experimenting a lot with Eff2 and am wanting to share some of my animations with some friends by uploading it to youtube. How can I convert my swf animations into flv so that I can upload it to youtube? I tried to export it to .mov but I could not find any good compression settings, the .mov files it generated were always HUGE.

Any Ideas?
Re: Youtubing my animation
March 22, 2010 12:41PM

The flasheff2 animations are code based animations and they can not be exported into "mov" format. You can only use a capture software in order to capture the animations while the swf is playing on the screen. We also made that when created the FlashEff2 "Ten things" video. Actually there is an entire article about how that video was made and which you may wanna see it:


I hope this helps.
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