imported swf
March 10, 2010 04:55PM
Ok i am digging my head to solve this.

I have a simple.swf with flassheff animation. when i publish it and preview it, all is working.

when i load this swf into the main.swf... nothing seems to animate.

simple.swf has all the components in the libary.
is published as flash10
has autoplay on...

soo what is wrong?
Re: imported swf
March 10, 2010 09:46PM
still anyone to help out?

After long figuring out, i am 100% sure its the flasheff.
testing it with normal animation classic tweens and so on. they are all playing after loaded the swf. only the flasheff, doesnt work after loaded the swf.

need help!!!
Re: imported swf
March 15, 2010 08:11PM

try to load the swf files using a new LoaderContext and let me know if that problem persists.

var myLoaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();

myLoaderContext.applicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain();

var my_loader:Loader = new Loader();

my_loader.load(new URLRequest("mySwf.swf"), myLoaderContext);

Re: imported swf
March 15, 2010 09:59PM
Thank you so much, that finally solved the case after some days
Re: imported swf
March 18, 2010 11:14AM
Same Problem!
I have an intro.swf containing FlashEff animation on the first frame. After the last Animation I call FECGoToFrame and it plays the timeline to the End. That works great as it is but as soon as I load it into my container.fla it plays only until the GoToFrame should happen...
How can I get around that?

Help appreciated. Thanks.
Re: imported swf
March 19, 2010 01:56PM

Your problem looks to be different than Eikou's problem. Please open a new support ticket attach the source files along with a detailed description and someone will help you to solve that issue as soon is possible.

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