Calling a function from insided a MC.
February 24, 2010 04:41AM

this is my first post and my first site working with this great component.
I have 2 movie clips at maintimeline:

MC1.alpha = 0,
MC2, that has another MC inside, and this MC has the component as a button, with a command.

When clicking at the child MC, the Eff2 has to call a function to set the MC1.alpha = 1;

This is the function I'm calling

function Callvideo1():void{
	MovieClip(parent).videoBox.alpha = 1;

The trace works fine, but get the following error too:

FLASHEFF Warning : Invalid function definition was setted in functionPath parameters of FECCallFunction object. TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.

Any help will be great! Thanks
Re: Calling a function from insided a MC.
February 24, 2010 08:08AM

You will have to use the "parent" notation if the called function is on a different level. So you will have to write in the function filed something similar:

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