Applying Text Effects to Dynamic Text fields causes text to center to stage
December 22, 2009 09:42PM
Initial text x position: 352.05

After effect: 0


import com.jumpeye.Events.FLASHEFFEvents;
import com.jumpeye.flashEff2.text.scramble.FETScramble;

var myEffect:FlashEff2Code= new FlashEff2Code();
myEffect.addEventListener(FLASHEFFEvents.TRANSITION_END, testX);

trace(text1.x);//outputs 352.05

var feText1:FETScramble = new FETScramble();

myEffect.showTransition=feText1; text1;

function testX(ev:FLASHEFFEvents):void{
trace(text1.x);//outputs 0

I've tried applying the recommended text settings... why is it repositioning to center????
Re: Applying Text Effects to Dynamic Text fields causes text to center to stage
December 24, 2009 08:44AM

The target is placed into the FlasHEff2 container during the animation, that's why the textfield's X position is different after the animation has started. Actually the flasheff2 container will be positioned to the initial position of the textfield.
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