Hi Guys
I have used a swf file on the front page of my website (www.banksycanvas.net) and in the 3 lines of text google give you we have an advert for this product which i wish to remove as i think it had contributed in us losing page rank, our main keyword searched to find us is banksy canvas but we have dropped from 7th on the grid down to page 3 which is disaster, how would i get rid of this text that has been added to the swf file: FlashEff.com, flash animation tool component. flash components

I am really sorry for that issue. It seems that Google Indexes the textfields from the swf file too. Unfortunately there is no workaround to avoid that . However that should not affect the Page Rank in any way.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2009 06:45AM by florodebat.
so i can't get to the text field that says flasheff.com and delete or change it? theres no possible way at all..........!!! not even if i upgrade to the full price package?
This is true for me also. I've built 3 sites containing Flash Eff animations and when I do a search Flasheff.com comes into the description.

More like: "FLASHEFF Pattern FLASHEFF Command FlashEff.com, flash animation ..."

I think this is OUTRAGEOUS! I could understand if it was the free component to stick your brand in other people's searches for promotional purposes, but I paid for it.
Please do something about this. The paid component should not include any keywords embedded in the swf.
1. The FlashEff component needs to embed a Dynamic TextField in order to be able to perform text animations later, and believe it or not, this can only be done by actually having at least a TextField dragged inside the component, on the stage with some random text.

2. We chose to use an internal ID in this dynamic textfield: JMP-181-V3 (actually our internal id of FlashEff) also to be able to track statistically some of the frauds and clients that have used our components. Starting in 2006, we used this approach for all our components/patterns/embedable deliverables. Here is a blog post where we first made this tracking information public. Most of the Flash component developers are using this method to keep track of their component's usage.

3. Later, since we saw some fraudulent usage of our components, we decided to add the following text: "FlashEff.com, flash animation tool component, flash components" in the live panel that should be only viewable for some users that may try to decompile flash files to steal code from the owner's of the swf file (and finally from us). We intended this text to help such users find our component site before copying and modifying our copyrighted code. This text should be invisible in SWF files that are obfuscated correctly (since Flash component obfuscators can wipe out the live preview sequence of the component).

4. FlashEff is not sold, it is licensed, the owner of the FlashEff code is still Smartketer LLC (FlashEff.com). You have the right to use it AS IS in our Terms of service, but, we also have to protect our rights by using our code signature in each one of the files where FlashEff is used, (for others to find out that the usage of FlashEff is commercially restricted). Remember that this text does not appear visually in your final Flash files.

5. Unfortunately lately, Google started to see pretty much everything in Flash files, even dynamic texts (that we initially wanted to hide from it).

6. To avoid the appearance of this text anywhere in your page or on Google searches do any of the following:
A. Use a meta-description for each one of your pages. It will appear in your search with the highest priority over any other text found in your page.
B. Use a regular text in your page along with the Flash file, not only the Flash object itself.
C. Embed each SWF correctly by using JavaScript, (you can use SWFObject for this task). The old OBJECT embedding method is not fully compatible with all browsers/systems. If your SWF file is embeded through JS, Google will not see any Flash object there.
D. On both the upper and lower layer in depth, 1st frame of the flash movie where FlashEff is used, enter a text of your choice that will actully be the first text to be used if there is no other text found in that page or no description (IF you're not embeding FlashEff with JS)

Any of these A to D options should solve your issue.

IF you need a special customized license that has no other text inside the component itself, you should try to contact our support department and ask for a customized license, but it will be costly.
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