effects do not go away when mc visible = false
November 14, 2009 03:32PM
why do effects which I apply with the usual flasheff2 panel or with code not go
away when I set the visible of the mc containing them to false

I have a file up at to demonstrate

the blue RondedSguareScale is applied via the flashheff2 panel to movieclips
inside the mc that has the rising NU letters. I fadded that out and set its visible to false.
The blue panels remain.

Use the menu to go to the About section.
The same effect on the black panel is applied by code.
This not only stays when you navigate away but appears
on top of the text, in fact on top of everything. navigate away
and it and it stays.
The movieclip it is applied to is inside a movieclip whose
visible has been set to false.

What am I doing wrong?

here is the code that applies the black box effect.
Remember blue is just done via the effects panel
Enter the About section a second time and I get a Null object error.
My code is in my main class

import com.jumpeye.Events.FLASHEFFEvents;
import FlashEff2Code;
import com.jumpeye.flashEff2.symbol.squareEffect.FESRoundedSquareScale;

private function flashEffect():void{
about_mc.aboutHeader_mc.visible = true;
var myEffect:FlashEff2Code = new FlashEff2Code();

var showEffect:FESRoundedSquareScale = new FESRoundedSquareScale();
showEffect.preset = 12;
showEffect.squareWidth = 20;
showEffect.squareHeight = 20;
showEffect.cornerRadius = 10;
showEffect.groupDuration = 1;
showEffect.tweenDuration = 1.5;
showEffect.tweenType = "Strong";
showEffect.easeType = "easeOut";
myEffect.showTransition = showEffect;
myEffect._targetInstanceName = "about_mc.aboutHeader_mc";

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