Import *.png gives small pic
October 14, 2009 08:49PM

When i import een *.png the image is shown as bitmap en Symbol. There become very small. Can someone help me to understand why?
Re: Import *.png gives small pic
October 15, 2009 02:35PM

I am not sure that is a FlashEff issue. Please open a new support ticket, attach the source file there and write a detailed description about that issue and shortly you will get an answer.

Re: Import *.png gives small pic
November 09, 2009 07:02PM
Make sure your the png is sized at 72 pixels per inch in the graphics program you use to create it.
Flash will respect the "physical" size.
So an image 720 pixels wide at 72 pixels per inch when imported would look 10 times wider than one 720 pixels wide at 720 pixels per inch when imported. All the same info is there but flash is displaying its "size".
72 pixels per inch is Flash's "native" resolution screen resolution.
Hope that helps
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