Better Documentation? XML
October 13, 2009 02:46AM
It seems like a great product.
The documentation does not get into the deeper settings.
It does not explain the xml format.
I want to create a series of on going text blocks fed from an xml and use the eff2 to transition between them.
Is there any documentation that covers all of that?
Thanks for your help.
Re: Better Documentation? XML
October 13, 2009 10:04AM

Unfortunately we don't have such a specific documentation. You are trying to use the component in a specific scenario which requires AS3 extra knowledge. However we have an "AS3 usage" documentation file , with a detailed description off the FlashEff's 2 properties methods and events is included in the FlashEff2 downloaded package and that can help you if you want to use the component by code.
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