Timeline control w/ FlashEff
September 21, 2009 05:23PM
So forgive me if this is a stupid question but I'm not a real AS coder (which makes components like this perfect for me). I have several different lines of text that I want to apply hide and show effects to. My question is about timing. If I have "text01" show and hide and then I have "text02" show and hide, what is the best way to set this up?

I also have separate movieclips animating pictures at various times. So how do I set up the timeline so that it plays through the first show/hide then goes to the second one and so forth since the components operate independent of the timeline?

Am I making any sense?
Re: Timeline control w/ FlashEff
September 23, 2009 11:13AM
The best way to show an animation after a previous one has finished is to use the delay function. Have two components on the stage, one on each target. Set the delay of the second components delay parameter to be the exact duration of the first components duration + delay. Keep in mind that you have a show\hide duration and a show\hide delay.
Hope this help,

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