Effect start at MouseOver <-> end at MouseOut! HOW?
July 20, 2009 04:43PM
Hi Everybody,
sorry for a stupid question from a Beginner:

I have a MC on my stage and I want to add a hide-effect (FESSquareLight) if the mouse comes over (then u can see mc2 behind mc1). After mouse out, the show-effect should start to comin to the starting situation. I am really new in AS3 and Flash Eff so maybe someone have a tip for me...

Re: Effect start at MouseOver <-> end at MouseOut! HOW?
July 21, 2009 06:44AM
// here you will see how to do the hide on mouse over
yourMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, doTheHide);

function doTheHide (e:MouseEvent):void {

// And here we will see how to show the MC on roll out

function doTheShow (e:MouseEvent):void {

FlashEffComponentInstance = the instance name of the FlashEff2 component.
yourMC = the clip that will register the events.
Hope it helps,

Re: Effect start at MouseOver <-> end at MouseOut! HOW?
July 21, 2009 12:17PM
Hi lonut, thx for your help! I did it like your Code:

img_01_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, doTheHide);
img_01_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, doTheShow);

function doTheHide (e:MouseEvent):void {

function doTheShow (e:MouseEvent):void {


I want to hide my img_01_mc if I rollOver with the mouse - and if I rollOut with the mouse it should be shown! But with this code it is blinking?! What can I do?

Here is the *.FLA
Re: Effect start at MouseOver <-> end at MouseOut! HOW?
July 21, 2009 12:50PM
The problem from your file(my example) is that the target's visibility was set to false while the images had alpha 0.
The fastest way to fix this is:
Copy the target(Ctrl + c)
Paste it in the excat same place(ctrl+Shift+v)
Give it different instance name- maskMC
Set it's alpha to be 0.
Open the actions panel and do the following changes:

maskMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, doTheHide);
maskMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, doTheShow);

Now the event is being triggered on a different target that has alpha 0.
This worked best for me.
Sorry about the first tutorial, I didn't consider the fact that the target will be made invisible at some point.
If you can't make it work, let me know and I'll attach the file.

Re: Effect start at MouseOver <-> end at MouseOut! HOW?
July 21, 2009 12:57PM
It would be great if you could post the file! thx a lot ....
Re: Effect start at MouseOver <-> end at MouseOut! HOW?
July 21, 2009 01:11PM
Here you go mate: [www.mediafire.com]
Hope this helps,

Re: Effect start at MouseOver <-> end at MouseOut! HOW?
July 21, 2009 01:51PM
YEAH.... exactly what I need.... and now I understand my mistake..... :-)
many many thx....
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