A list of 'preset' values
July 03, 2009 02:08PM
Suppose you wanted to use ActionScript to set the 'preset' property of a symbol.slide.FESSlide object to "FastSlide2Top". Where would one find this value?
Re: A list of 'preset' values
July 03, 2009 03:37PM
The user sees the preset value as FastSlide2Top but most of the time the preset is a number.
But for example, for FEFFocusBlur, there isin't a preset parameter, you will have to set the properties of the two points from code. The points that I'm talking about are the points that defines a line.
component.pointOneX= 100
component.pointOneY= 0;
component.pointTwoX= 100;
component.pointTwoY= 0;
That's how you would use FEFFocusBlur.
On the other hand FESStrips has a parameter called preset which goes from 1 to 4.

We chose to have FlashEff2 Premium like this to make it easier for the user to create effects. They don't have to understand what each parameter does, only what the end result would look like.

To answer your question, I think a list of all the presets will be posted shortly.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2009 03:38PM by Ionut.
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