Sharing Effects XML documents

Posted by themick88 
Sharing Effects XML documents
October 03, 2008 07:51PM
I'm new to FlashEff, so I apologize if this is a basic question. I would like to share my effect with a co-worker, but not publish it to the online gallery. Is there a way I can export the settings to XML? I know the FlashEff panel can read in configured XML documents, but can I export those files?

I'm currently using the Free version. Maybe that's a feature of the premium version? Thanks!
Re: Sharing Effects XML documents
October 06, 2008 06:23AM
The only way to export your effect is to publish it to the FlasgEff gallery. Only from there, your co-worker will be able to import it with FlashEff. Another solution would be to create the XML file yourself, based on the XML format explained here:
Re: Sharing Effects XML documents
October 06, 2008 02:33PM
I appreciate the quick response.

Is there a security reason why this isn't a feature of the software?

For example, let's say I create my text fields at run time and want to apply a gallery-based FlashEff to it. As far as I can tell, there's no simple way to do that because gallery-based effects have to be applied through the FlashEff panel and can't be applied at run-time w/out manually building the XML file. Ideally there would be a "copy effect XML to clipboard" feature within the FlashEff panel (or something similar).

Again, I appreciate the quick response to my initial post. Even without this feature, it's still a nice piece of software.
Re: Sharing Effects XML documents
October 07, 2008 07:54AM
I've just learned that the next release of the FlashEff will contain functionality that lets you to export a XML based on the settings you've made for your effect. So you'll be able to share your effects through the XML too.
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