Type Error

Posted by RobertA 
Type Error
September 15, 2008 07:48PM
I am creating a Banner that transitions to several images with text effect movies over the top of them. It seems to be going fine until I get to the third transition when i get this error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::MovieClip@291111f1 to flash.text.TextField.

I get it several times until I stop the movie. Any ideas?

Re: Type Error
September 16, 2008 06:05AM
In translation, the error message says that you cannot use a MovieClip object as a TextField object. I'm guessing you are applying text pattern on a movie clip. Text patterns can only be applied on text fields (text pattern names begin with "FET"), but symbol patterns can be applied on movie clips and text fields too. Make sure you didn't apply a text pattern on a movie clip.
Re: Type Error
September 16, 2008 08:31PM
Well, I do have some MovieClips. What I'm doing is a small banner. I used the slide show tutorial to form the basis of the object as i want to cycle through different images, with text effects appearing on each as it cycles through. I have my timer set to 8 seconds. The above error show up on the 3rd image, not sure why as it is the same as the others. The movie seems to play ok regardless of the error though.

The main issue I am having now is that when I preview the movie in Flash... it works fine. When I upload it to the server where it is imbedded and view the page, the timing is off. Have you seen this before?
Re: Type Error
September 18, 2008 06:01AM
No, I can't say that I have encountered this problem before. Please send an email to the support team (support [at] jumpeyecomponents [dot] com) and specify your problem. Also please send over your source files so they can have a look at them and the link to page on your server where the timing problem occurs. Thanks.
two dynamic text field effects
September 24, 2008 05:29PM
I'm having major problems with a presentation i'm creating using the timeline

1. Getting two separate dynamic text fields to display animations at the same time on the timeliine. Attached are my source files. If you look at frame 186 you will see the two fields i refer to. The second field does not display at all while the first animates properly.

2. I have noticed you can not embed 'flash eff' animations with movie clips? I need to be able to animate multiple elements per section. Am I building this correctly?

3. When i select 'optimize fla' i get an looping error saying "script in file is running for a long time. do you wish to continue'.

4. Is there a way to run two different text animations, on after another on the same dynamic text field? I tried dropping two 'flash eff's onto the same field setting start time for the second different but it does not work.

open | download - index-v4.fla.zip (580 KB)
Re: Type Error
September 26, 2008 10:16AM
1. The problem was that the font was not embedded. I embedded the font and the animations were working.

2. You can apply FlashEff animations over other FlashEff animations (the FlashEff component allows that), but that depends on the patterns you use. It is possible that for some pattern combinations, the resulting animation will look weird or there will be nothing showing up. We cannot generalize this for every pattern, you would have to test out if your combination works.

3. Both "Optimize fla" and "Update fla" operations depend on the contents of the fla file. In case of a large fla file with many FlashEff instances and many FlashEff patterns (and many items in the Library), it will take quite some time to finish the operation and the script warning may appear several times before the operations are finished.

4. You can only apply FlashEff one time on a target object. However, depending on the combination of patterns that you like (see point 1) you might apply multiple patterns over the same FlashEff target.
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