Results for: perspective

FET3DCamDepth Text pattern
fet3dcamdepth, 3dcamdepth, 3d, random, motion, bounce, bouncing, alpha, appear, splash, splatter, zoom, in, out, zooming, fade, banner, dynamic, elastic, flying, font, line, lines, perspective, text, word, letter, character, amazing, best, cool, ad, ads, advertising, fet Creates 3D transitions with an alpha random motion.
FET3DCamXYZ Text pattern
fet3dcamxyz, 3dcamxyz, 3d, text, amazing, appear, cool, dynamic, elastic, flying, font, character, word, letter, line, lines, spin, spinning, splash, splatter, perspective, ad, ads, advertising, fet Creates impressive 3D transitions using the alpha filter. The transition can be viewed from any arbitrary point of the 3D space.
FET3DCamFocus Text pattern
fet3dcamfocus, 3dcamfocus, 3d, focus, text, perspective, blur, dynamic, line, word, character, letter, motion, movement, rotate, rotating, rotation, spin, spinning, fet Creates transitions with a 3D movement by moving the camera's focus from the selected item of the text to the center of the TextField.

FET3DCamMatrix Text pattern
fet3dcammatrix, 3dcammatrix, 3d, matrix, blur, alpha, text, fade, fading, in, out, appear, cool, dynamic, flying, font, character, letter, word, line, lines, intro, motion, movement, rolling, rotating, rotate, rotation, sphere, spin, spinning, perspective, fet This Matrix-style pattern creates a very interesting rotating 3D movement based on alpha and blur filters. The 3D motion is applied until the text occupies its original position.
FET3DMotion Text pattern
fet3dmotion, 3dmotion, 3d, text, alpha, fade, blur, rotate, rotating, rotation, flip, flipping, slide, sliding, banner, dynamic, website, websites, flying, line, lines, perspective, header, motion, movement, spin, spinning, intersecting, intersect, fet As its name suggests, the pattern creates transitions with unique 3D movements based on alpha fade, blur, rotation and scale effects.
FES3DCamSquareFocus Symbol pattern
fes3dcamsquarefocus, 3dcamsquarefocus, square, squares, fade, fading, blur, 3d, focus, pieces, broken, puzzle, explode, bitmap, break, rotation, rotating, rotate, perspective, image, movieclip, movie, clip, symbol, fes This pattern allows you to divide the selected object in little squares and place them in a 3D space, at different distances from the "camera", followed by an impressive 3D movement of the squares.

FESFlip Symbol pattern
fesflip, flip, flipping, 3d, perspective, distort, distortion, image, symbol, movieclip, movie, clip, card, paper, page, fes The pattern allows you to flip objects across a selected axis.
FESUnpack Symbol pattern
fesunpack, flip, flipping, pack, unpack, distort, distortion, perspective, reveal, folding, image, movie, clip, symbol, movieclip, fes, divide Packs and unpacks the target object using real distortion flipping.
FESFlipSquare Symbol pattern
fesflipsquare, flipsquare, flip, squares, square, flipping, distort, distortion, perspective, movieclip, movie, clip, image, symbol, card, fes The pattern enables you to create flipping squares transitions over the target object across a selected axis.

FEFDistortion Filter pattern
fefdistortion, transform, perspective, skew, distort, distortion, 3d, flip, filter, page, fef This pattern allows you to ad perspective to the selected object, skew it or otherwise distort it Premiumly.

3d    advertising    agitate    alpha    aura    background    balloon    banner    bars    bitmap    blur    camera    clock    cloudy    color    colors    cool    desaturate    desert    dream    drop    duplicate    duplication    explode    fade    fading    filling    fire    fireworks    flag    flame    flare    flip    flow    folding    following    gallery    glass    glimmer    glitter    glow    image    in    industrial    intersect    intersecting    intro    lens    letter    linear    logo    magnify    manipulation    mask    masking    matrix    motion    out    outline    particle    particles    photo    picture    pictures    pie    pieces    pulse    rain    ripple    rotating    run    scroll    scrolling    shades    shake    shine    shooting    slide    slideshow    sliding    smoke    snapshot    snow    sparkle    spiral    splash    star    sun    sunset    swirl    teleporting    tiling    tv    twilight    water    wave    waving    website    whirl    zoom