Applying the Effects to Video

Posted by user471033 
Applying the Effects to Video
November 01, 2010 05:17PM
How did you get to apply the "Flash Eff"-effects to your composed demo-videoclip "10 things I can't live without"? I've imported SWF-Files to After Effects before: including all the timeline-effects in place. But since it can't import the single frame-animations ( because it's "not on the Flash IDE stage before compilation") - How did you get to combine it with video? I'm awestruck :)
Re: Applying the Effects to Video
November 02, 2010 08:12AM
The player used in the flasheff2 video is another component of jumpeyecomponents which is called JCPlayer. Please click the link bellow in order to find more information about it. The video loads a flv in which we created the effects you see.


I hope this helps.
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