Play/Pause external SWF into Loader

Posted by user380203 
Play/Pause external SWF into Loader
January 27, 2011 11:51PM
I built a slideshow using Flasseff2 effects. Per instructions found in the forum, all slides are on the same frame# and I have applied a progressively increasing delay to each slide. Everything works great. Then I load it into the main FLA via loader and now I want to be able to play/pause using different buttons that reside in the main FLA. The buttons are standard flash buttons with no effects. Can't make it work. If I test my code with a different SWF file that has a progressive timeline with regular tween transitions it works, but when I use the SWF created with FleshEff it disregards the buttons.
I am not a programmer, just have very basic AS3 knowledge. Below my code and, again works with other SWFs with multiple frames timeline. Any suggestions on how to target the FlashEff SWF? Thanks.
var introLdr:Loader=new Loader();
introLdr.load(new URLRequest("intro.swf"));
function playIntro(e:Event){
function pauseIntro(e:Event){
Re: Play/Pause external SWF into Loader
January 28, 2011 12:31PM
You can't pause an effect, you can make it starting over, and in order to do that make sure that the flasheff is added to the stage starting with the second frame. Anyway when you call the stop method you won't stop the effect on flasheff. To stop the effect you will need to call the removeAll method.
Re: Play/Pause external SWF into Loader
January 28, 2011 05:35PM
Won't work for me then. I have a slide show going and I need to pop up different windows with info while pressing a button. The windows have a .8 alpha, so you still see the slideshow in the background and if it does not pause it is distracting. I can get this done with traditional tweens and replicate FlashEff stuff. At this point I am not sure why I paid for the plug in...

Thanks anyway for your input.
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