Interfacepublic interface IFlashEff
SubinterfacesIFlashEffSymbol, IFlashEffText

This interface is not used by pattern developers but is listed for information about the various public properties and methods.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined by
  absChars : Array
[read-only] [used by the patterns] The list of FeChar objects the target text has been broken into.
  absLines : Array
[read-only] [used by the patterns] The list of lines the target text has been broken into, if it contains multiple lines.
  absMatrix : Array
[read-only] [used by the patterns] The matrix which contains all the elements the target text has been broken into.
  absWords : Array
[read-only] [used by the patterns] The list of words the target text has been broken into.
  alpha : Number
The alpha transparency value of the FlashEff container clip.
  buttonEffect : IFlashEffButtonEffect

A reference to the instance of ButtonEffect pattern currently applied on the target object, through the current instance of FlashEff.

  buttonEffectName : String

The name of the ButtonEffect pattern applied on the target object.

  buttonMode : Boolean
Specifies the button mode of the FlashEff container clip.
  buttonOwner : Sprite
[read-only] The container of all auxiliary or temporary display objects used by the button patterns.
  cacheAsBitmap : Boolean
If set to true, Flash Player caches an internal bitmap representation of the FlashEff container clip.
  commands : Array

The list of command patterns applied on the target object.

  drawAfterFilters : Boolean

If true, the button effect will be applied on the entire target object, including any auxiliary elements it might have, like filter patterns.

  filterList : Array

The list of filter patterns applied on the target object.

  height : Number
The height of the FlashEff container clip.
  hideAutoPlay : Boolean

This property controls the hide transition applied on the target object (symbol or text field).

  hideDelay : Number
The time interval, measured in seconds, until the hide transition should start.
  hideTransition : IFlashEffSymbolText
A reference to the instance of the pattern used for the hide transition.
  hideTransitionName : String
The full path and class name of the pattern used for the hide transition.
  initialTargetTransform : Transform
[read-only] The initial Transform object of the FlashEff's target.
  isTargetVisibleAtEnd : Boolean

Controls the way the text looks after the effect applied on it has ended.

  isTransitioning : Boolean
[read-only] Specifies whether there is a transition going on (true) or not (false).
  mouseChildren : Boolean
Determines whether or not the children of the FlashEff container clip are mouse enabled.
  mouseEnabled : Boolean
Specifies whether the FlashEff container clip receives mouse messages.
  mouseX : Number
[read-only] The x coordinate of the mouse pointer's position, relative to the FlashEff container clip.
  mouseY : Number
[read-only] The y coordinate of the mouse pointer's position, relative to the FlashEff container clip.
  name : String
Indicates the instance name of the FlashEff component.
  partialTable : IFeTable
[read-only] The container for the matrix and lists of elements in case of partial effects on the text.
  rotation : Number
The rotation angle of the FlashEff container clip.
  scaleX : Number
The scale value on the Ox axis of the FlashEff container clip.
  scaleY : Number
The scale value on the Oy axis of the FlashEff container clip.
  showAutoPlay : Boolean
This property controls the show transition applied on the target object.
  showDelay : Number
The time interval, measured in seconds, until the show transition should start.
  showTransition : IFlashEffSymbolText
A reference to the instance of the pattern used for the show transition.
  showTransitionName : String
The full path and class name of the pattern used for the show transition.
  target : DisplayObject
The reference to the target object.
  _targetInstanceName : String
The instance name of the target object on which the effect will be applied.
  targetOwner : MovieClip
[read-only] Parent movie clip of the current target object.
  targetVisibility : Boolean
Specifies whether the target object is visible at the beginning, before applying the show or hide transitions.
  textField : TextField
[read-only] The reference to the target text field on which the effect is applied.
  textTable : IFeTable
[read-only] The container for the matrix and lists of elements into which the target text has been broken (charcters, words, lines of text).
  useHandCursor : Boolean
A Boolean value that indicates whether the pointing hand (hand cursor) appears when the mouse rolls over the target object.
  visible : Boolean
The visibility of the FlashEff container clip.
  width : Number
The width of the FlashEff container clip.
  x : Number
The x coordinate of the FlashEff container clip.
  xmlPath : String
The path and name of the .xml file used to set up the current FlashEff instance.
  y : Number
The y coordinate of the FlashEff container clip.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
addCommand(command:IFlashEffCommand, eventType:String):IFlashEffCommand
Adds a new command pattern to the target object.
addCommandByName(commandName:String, eventType:String, initObj:Object = null):IFlashEffCommand
Adds a new command pattern to the target object.
Adds a new filter pattern to target symbol or text field.
addFilterByName(filterName:String, initObject:Object = null):IFlashEffFilter
Adds a new Filter pattern to target symbol or text.
Reapplies the ButtonEffect pattern on the target object, after it has been removed with the removeButtonEffect() method.
Manually applies the mouse press state on the target object, without the mouse press action, and dispatches the FLASHEFFEvents.MOUSE_DOWN event.
Manually applies the mouse release state on the target object, without the mouse release action, and dispatches the FLASHEFFEvents.MOUSE_UP event.
Manually applies the roll out state on the target object, without the mouse moving out of it, and dispatches the FLASHEFFEvents.ROLL_OUT event.
Manually applies the roll over state on the target object, without the mouse getting over it, and dispatches the FLASHEFFEvents.ROLL_OVER event.
Changes the target of the FlashEff by applying a hide first on the last visible target, then it shows the newTarget object with the selected show pattern.
Dispatches a FLASHEFFEvent type of event.
drawTextTable(type:String, partialGroup:String, partialPercent:Number, selectedStrings:Array, partialStart:Number, partialBlurAmount:Number, cArray:Array = null):Boolean
Requests the breaking of the target text into the desired elements: characters (FeChar), words (FeGroup) or lines (FeGroup).
Returns a reference to the filter pattern specified in the argument.
Returns the filter pattern that exists at the specified index.
Hides the target object using the pattern currently applied on the target object (symbol or text field).
Removes all the show/hide effects, filters, commands and button effects added through the FlashEff object, to the target object (symbol or text field), canceling any functionality provided by them.
Removes all the command patterns applied on the target object.
Removes all the command patterns from the target object, that are executed on a specified event.
Removes all the filter patterns applied on the current FlashEff component instance, visually removing them from the target symbol or text, but leaves all the other types of effects.
Removes the current ButtonEffect pattern from the target object and from the current FlashEff instance.
Removes the specified command pattern instance from the target object.
Removes from the target object the command identified by its full path and class name.
removeEffect(internalCall:Boolean = false, pattern:IFlashEffSymbolText = null):void

Stops and removes an effect applied on the target object, while that effect is still playing.

Removes a specified filter from the target symbol or text.
Removes the last symbol or text pattern used for the hide transition.
Removes the last symbol or text pattern used for the show transition.
Allows setting up the component according to xml data passed as parameter.
show(forceAutoHide:* = null):void
Applies a show transition on the target object, if a symbol or text pattern has been applied to it.
transitionEffect(transt:String = "show"):void
Starts a show or hide effect, according to the argument's value.
Property detail
absChars:Array  [read-only]

[used by the patterns] The list of FeChar objects the target text has been broken into. This list is populated when a show or hide effect is applied on a text field and the selected pattern calls FlashEff's drawTextTable() method. This array would contain FeChar objects which represent each one a character from the target text, except whitespace characters. These FeChar objects contain, besides a characters from the target text, different information regarding the properties of that character and its position.

We recommend using the absMatrix property.

    public function get absChars():Array

See also

absLines:Array  [read-only]

[used by the patterns] The list of lines the target text has been broken into, if it contains multiple lines. This list is populated when a show or hide effect is applied on a text field and the selected pattern calls FlashEff's drawTextTable() method. This array would contain all the FeGroup objects that represent all the lines of the text on which the effect is applied.

We recommend using the absMatrix property.

    public function get absLines():Array

See also

absMatrix:Array  [read-only]

[used by the patterns] The matrix which contains all the elements the target text has been broken into. Each line of the matrix contains items, which in turn, are elements of the text (FeChar or FeGroup): characters, words or lines, depending on the elements the text was broken into. The matrix object is created to resemble the disposition of the text, in case of a multi-line text. It consists of text elements, characters (FeChar), words or lines (FeGroup), arranged on lines and columns, according to their positions in the target text.

    public function get absMatrix():Array

See also

absWords:Array  [read-only]

[used by the patterns] The list of words the target text has been broken into. This list is populated when a show or hide effect is applied on a text field and the selected pattern calls FlashEff's drawTextTable() method. This array would contain all the FeGroup objects that represent all the words of the text on which the effect is applied. Any punctuation marks that follow a word, will be included in the list with that particular word so it will be included into the same FeGroup object. Any punctuation marks that are delimited by whitespace characters will be considered as entire words and will be included into the list as separate FeGroup objects.

We recommend using the absMatrix property.

    public function get absWords():Array

See also

alpha:Number  [read-write]

The alpha transparency value of the FlashEff container clip. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns. Valid values are 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque).

The default value is 1.

    public function get alpha():Number
    public function set alpha(value:Number):void
buttonEffect:IFlashEffButtonEffect  [read-write]

A reference to the instance of ButtonEffect pattern currently applied on the target object, through the current instance of FlashEff. This reference is created separately by using the pattern's constructor.

In the FlashEff panel, the desired button effect can be selected from the Button tab -> Pattern list.

    public function get buttonEffect():IFlashEffButtonEffect
    public function set buttonEffect(value:IFlashEffButtonEffect):void

See also

buttonEffectName:String  [read-write]

The name of the ButtonEffect pattern applied on the target object. This represents the full path and class name of the pattern.

In the FlashEff panel, the desired panel can be selected from the Button tab -> Pattern list.

    public function get buttonEffectName():String
    public function set buttonEffectName(value:String):void

See also

buttonMode:Boolean  [read-write]

Specifies the button mode of the FlashEff container clip. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns. If true, the FlashEff container clip behaves as a button, which means that it triggers the display of the hand cursor when the mouse passes over it and can receive a click event if the enter or space keys are pressed when the container clip has focus. You can suppress the display of the hand cursor by setting the useHandCursor property to false, in which case the pointer is displayed.

    public function get buttonMode():Boolean
    public function set buttonMode(value:Boolean):void
buttonOwner:Sprite  [read-only]

The container of all auxiliary or temporary display objects used by the button patterns. Symbol, text and filter patterns place their necessary display objects into targetOwner.

    public function get buttonOwner():Sprite

See also

cacheAsBitmap:Boolean  [read-write]

If set to true, Flash Player caches an internal bitmap representation of the FlashEff container clip. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns. This caching can increase performance for display objects that contain complex vector content.

    public function get cacheAsBitmap():Boolean
    public function set cacheAsBitmap(value:Boolean):void
commands:Array  [read-only]

The list of command patterns applied on the target object. The patterns are inserted into the list in the order they are applied on the target object. If you would need the reference to the third pattern applied, you can retrieve it just like you would retrieve any item from an Array object:

var myCommand:FECNavigateToURL = myEffect.commands[2];

In the FlashEff panel, Command patterns can be selected from the Commands area in the Button tab.

    public function get commands():Array

See also

drawAfterFilters:Boolean  [read-write]

If true, the button effect will be applied on the entire target object, including any auxiliary elements it might have, like filter patterns. Otherwise the button pattern will be applied only on the target object, without other patterns it might have, like filter patterns.

For example, if a reflection filter has been applied on the target object and drawAfterFilters is true, the FEBScale button pattern will scale the target object, including the reflection, on rollover and press mouse actions.

The default value is true.

    public function get drawAfterFilters():Boolean
    public function set drawAfterFilters(value:Boolean):void
filterList:Array  [read-write]

The list of filter patterns applied on the target object. The patterns are inserted into the list in the order they are applied on the target object. So if you would need the reference to the third filter applied, you can retrieve it just like you would retrieve any item from an Array object:

var myFilter:FilterEffect = myEffect.filterList[2];

In the FlashEff panel, the desired panel can be selected from the Filter tab -> Pattern list.

    public function get filterList():Array
    public function set filterList(value:Array):void
height:Number  [read-write]

The height of the FlashEff container clip. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns. In case of a pattern that changes the target object's size, width and height represent the real size of the target's container.

    public function get height():Number
    public function set height(value:Number):void

See also

hideAutoPlay:Boolean  [read-write]

This property controls the hide transition applied on the target object (symbol or text field). If true, the transition will be applied after the time delay specified at hideDelay and after all the necessary properties were set. If false, the hide transition will have to be called through ActionScript code, using the transitionEffect() or hide() methods.

This property can also be set in the FlashEff panel by selecting the "autoPlay" option in the Hide tab.

The default value is true.

    public function get hideAutoPlay():Boolean
    public function set hideAutoPlay(value:Boolean):void

See also

hideDelay:Number  [read-write]

The time interval, measured in seconds, until the hide transition should start. This property is used only if hideAutoPlay is true. The property also accepts floating point numbers, so you can set time intervals with milliseconds precision. This property can be set in the FlashEff panel -> Hide tab -> "delay" option.

The default value is 2.

    public function get hideDelay():Number
    public function set hideDelay(value:Number):void

See also

hideTransition:IFlashEffSymbolText  [read-write]

A reference to the instance of the pattern used for the hide transition. When used from code, this reference is created separately by using the pattern's constructor. Otherwise the hide pattern can be selected from FlashEff panel -> Hide tab -> Pattern list.

    public function get hideTransition():IFlashEffSymbolText
    public function set hideTransition(value:IFlashEffSymbolText):void

See also

hideTransitionName:String  [read-write]

The full path and class name of the pattern used for the hide transition. This hide transition gets the target from a visible state to an invisible state, using an effect provided by the selected pattern. If you need to apply a hide transition on a target object, first you have to set that pattern to the FlashEff instance either by setting the hideTransitionName or the hideTransition property or by selecting a pattern in FlashEff panel -> Hide tab -> Pattern list.

    public function get hideTransitionName():String
    public function set hideTransitionName(value:String):void

See also

initialTargetTransform:Transform  [read-only]

The initial Transform object of the FlashEff's target. Some of the FlashEff patterns transform the target object and change the state of its Transform object, so that by accessing the transform property directly from the target object, you will get the current state of the target's Transform object. By accessing initialTargetTransform, you can access the initial transformation matrix and ColorTransform objects of the target, before the FlashEff patterns change the state of Transform object.

    public function get initialTargetTransform():Transform
isTargetVisibleAtEnd:Boolean  [read-write]

Controls the way the text looks after the effect applied on it has ended. If true, the text will be displayed in the original form (might slightly differ in position from the text with effect). If false, the text will remain in the final state after the effect has ended. This final state is not necessarily the original text field, it might by only a copy of it, on which the actual effect was applied.

If removeEffect() is called during the show on the text field and the property is set to true, after the transition stops, the object displayed will be the original text field and not the Bitmap copy of it.

In case the property is set to true, it is recommended that the x and y coordinates of the target object are integer values, otherwise you may experience some position shifting after the transition has ended and the target text field is displayed in the initial state.

The default value is false.

    public function get isTargetVisibleAtEnd():Boolean
    public function set isTargetVisibleAtEnd(value:Boolean):void

See also

isTransitioning:Boolean  [read-only]

Specifies whether there is a transition going on (true) or not (false).

    public function get isTransitioning():Boolean
mouseChildren:Boolean  [read-write]

Determines whether or not the children of the FlashEff container clip are mouse enabled. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns. If an object is mouse enabled, a user can interact with it by using a mouse.

The default value is true.

    public function get mouseChildren():Boolean
    public function set mouseChildren(value:Boolean):void
mouseEnabled:Boolean  [read-write]

Specifies whether the FlashEff container clip receives mouse messages. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns. The default value is true, which means that by default any InteractiveObject instance that is on the display list receives mouse events. If mouseEnabled is set to false, the instance does not receive any mouse events. Any children of this instance on the display list are not affected. To change the mouseEnabled behavior for all children of an object on the display list, use flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer.mouseChildren.

    public function get mouseEnabled():Boolean
    public function set mouseEnabled(value:Boolean):void
mouseX:Number  [read-only]

The x coordinate of the mouse pointer's position, relative to the FlashEff container clip. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns. mouseX and mouseY represent the mouse coordinates relative to the FlashEff container clip.

    public function get mouseX():Number

See also

mouseY:Number  [read-only]

The y coordinate of the mouse pointer's position, relative to the FlashEff container clip. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns. mouseX and mouseY represent the mouse coordinates relative to the FlashEff container clip.

    public function get mouseY():Number

See also

name:String  [read-write]

Indicates the instance name of the FlashEff component.

    public function get name():String
    public function set name(value:String):void
partialTable:IFeTable  [read-only]

The container for the matrix and lists of elements in case of partial effects on the text. In this case, the elements list contain only the elements onto which the effect is applied.

    public function get partialTable():IFeTable

See also

rotation:Number  [read-write]

The rotation angle of the FlashEff container clip. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns.

    public function get rotation():Number
    public function set rotation(value:Number):void
scaleX:Number  [read-write]

The scale value on the Ox axis of the FlashEff container clip. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns. In case of a pattern that scales the target object, scaleX and scaleY represent the real size of the target's container.

    public function get scaleX():Number
    public function set scaleX(value:Number):void

See also

scaleY:Number  [read-write]

The scale value on the Oy axis of the FlashEff container clip. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns. In case of a pattern that scales the target object, scaleX and scaleY represent the real size of the target's container.

    public function get scaleY():Number
    public function set scaleY(value:Number):void

See also

showAutoPlay:Boolean  [read-write]

This property controls the show transition applied on the target object. If true, the transition will be applied after the time delay specified at showDelay and after all the necessary properties were set. If false, the show transition will have to be called through ActionScript code, using the transitionEffect() or show() methods. This property can also be set in the FlashEff panel by selecting the "autoPlay" option in the Show tab.

The default value is true.

    public function get showAutoPlay():Boolean
    public function set showAutoPlay(value:Boolean):void

See also

showDelay:Number  [read-write]

The time interval, measured in seconds, until the show transition should start. This property is used only if showAutoPlay is true. The property also accepts floating point numbers, so you can set time intervals with milliseconds precision. This property can be set from the FlashEff panel -> Show tab -> "delay" option.

The default value is 2.

    public function get showDelay():Number
    public function set showDelay(value:Number):void

See also

showTransition:IFlashEffSymbolText  [read-write]

A reference to the instance of the pattern used for the show transition. This reference is created separately by using the pattern's constructor.

    public function get showTransition():IFlashEffSymbolText
    public function set showTransition(value:IFlashEffSymbolText):void

See also

showTransitionName:String  [read-write]

The full path and class name of the pattern used for the show transition. This show transition gets the target from an invisible state to a visible state, using an effect provided by the selected pattern. If you need to apply a show transition on a target object, first you have to set that pattern to the FlashEff instance either by setting the showTransitionName or the showTransition property or by selecting a pattern in FlashEff panel -> Show tab -> Pattern list.

    public function get showTransitionName():String
    public function set showTransitionName(value:String):void

See also

target:DisplayObject  [read-write]

The reference to the target object. The target can be set using the full path in the time line, if this object and the FlashEff instance do not have the same direct parent (e.g. The FlashEff instance was added to the display list as a child of clip1 and the target object is myClip.container.targetClip).

    public function get target():DisplayObject
    public function set target(value:DisplayObject):void

See also

_targetInstanceName:String  [read-write]

The instance name of the target object on which the effect will be applied. If the target object and the FlashEff instance do not have the same direct parent, then the target property should be used instead of _targetInstanceName, to set the reference to the target object using its path on the time line. Once this property is set, the component tries to apply immediately the effects, if the showAutoPlay or hideAutoPlay property is set to true.

    public function get _targetInstanceName():String
    public function set _targetInstanceName(value:String):void

See also

targetOwner:MovieClip  [read-only]

Parent movie clip of the current target object. This container movie clip is created temporarily by FlashEff and used to hold the target object and the other temporary clips created during the animations by the symbol, text and filter patterns. The button patterns place their temporary display objects into the buttonOwner container.

    public function get targetOwner():MovieClip

See also

targetVisibility:Boolean  [read-write]

Specifies whether the target object is visible at the beginning, before applying the show or hide transitions. If true, the target object will be displayed during the time interval specified at showDelay or hideDelay and after that the show or hide transition will start. In case of a show transition, the target will be displayed for the amount of time specified by showDelay and then hidden, before the transition starts. This property can also be set from the FlashEff panel by selecting the "target is visible" option in the Show or Hide tab.

The default value is true.

    public function get targetVisibility():Boolean
    public function set targetVisibility(value:Boolean):void

See also

textField:TextField  [read-only]

The reference to the target text field on which the effect is applied. You can directly access the properties and methods of the target text field by accessing this property of the FlashEff component instance.

    public function get textField():TextField
textTable:IFeTable  [read-only]

The container for the matrix and lists of elements into which the target text has been broken (charcters, words, lines of text).

    public function get textTable():IFeTable

See also

useHandCursor:Boolean  [read-write]

A Boolean value that indicates whether the pointing hand (hand cursor) appears when the mouse rolls over the target object. If this property is set to true the buttonMode property is set to true automatically and the pointing hand used for buttons appears when the mouse rolls over the target object. If useHandCursor is false, the arrow pointer is used instead. You can change the useHandCursor property at any time either by code or from the FlashEff panel itself.

The default value is false.

    public function get useHandCursor():Boolean
    public function set useHandCursor(value:Boolean):void
visible:Boolean  [read-write]

The visibility of the FlashEff container clip. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns. If true, the FlashEff container is visible.

    public function get visible():Boolean
    public function set visible(value:Boolean):void
width:Number  [read-write]

The width of the FlashEff container clip. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns. In case of a pattern that changes the target object's size, width and height represent the real size of the target's container.

    public function get width():Number
    public function set width(value:Number):void

See also

x:Number  [read-write]

The x coordinate of the FlashEff container clip. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns. x and y represent the FlashEff container's coordinates.

    public function get x():Number
    public function set x(value:Number):void

See also

xmlPath:String  [read-write]

The path and name of the .xml file used to set up the current FlashEff instance. If such a file is defined and set to the component instance, then when the component initializes, the settings from the .xml file will override any other settings done through the Component Inspector panel or through ActionScript code (if those were made before setting the xmlPath property). For more details on the .xml file structure, please consult the corresponding help page.

    public function get xmlPath():String
    public function set xmlPath(value:String):void

See also

y:Number  [read-write]

The y coordinate of the FlashEff container clip. This clip contains the target object on which FlashEff is applied, with all the state modifications made by the FlashEff patterns. x and y represent the FlashEff container's coordinates.

    public function get y():Number
    public function set y(value:Number):void

See also

Method detail
public function addCommand(command:IFlashEffCommand, eventType:String):IFlashEffCommand

Adds a new command pattern to the target object. The new command will be executed on the event specified as argument.

command:IFlashEffCommand — The refernce to the command pattern created by code.
eventType:String — The event on which the selected command will be executed. Possible values are rollOver, rollOut, press and release.

IFlashEffCommand — A reference to the newly created command pattern.

See also

public function addCommandByName(commandName:String, eventType:String, initObj:Object = null):IFlashEffCommand

Adds a new command pattern to the target object. The new command will be executed on the event specified as argument.

commandName:String — The full package and class name of the command pattern added to the target object.
eventType:String — The event on which the selected command will be executed. Possible values are rollOver, rollOut, press and release.
initObj:Object (default = null) — [optional] An object used to initialize the command pattern.

IFlashEffCommand — A reference to the newly created command pattern.

See also

public function addFilter(filter:IFlashEffFilter):void

Adds a new filter pattern to target symbol or text field.

filter:IFlashEffFilter — The reference to the filter pattern, created separately by code.

See also

public function addFilterByName(filterName:String, initObject:Object = null):IFlashEffFilter

Adds a new Filter pattern to target symbol or text.

filterName:String — The full package and class name of the filter that will be applied.
initObject:Object (default = null) — [optional] An object used to set up the new filter.

IFlashEffFilter — A reference to the newly created filter pattern.

See also

public function applyButtonEffect():void

Reapplies the ButtonEffect pattern on the target object, after it has been removed with the removeButtonEffect() method.

See also

public function buttonPress():void

Manually applies the mouse press state on the target object, without the mouse press action, and dispatches the FLASHEFFEvents.MOUSE_DOWN event. This is useful when the component should visually change the state of the target object but not as a result of mouse interraction.

See also

public function buttonRelease():void

Manually applies the mouse release state on the target object, without the mouse release action, and dispatches the FLASHEFFEvents.MOUSE_UP event. This is useful when the component should visually change the state of the target object but not as a result of mouse interraction.

See also

public function buttonRollOut():void

Manually applies the roll out state on the target object, without the mouse moving out of it, and dispatches the FLASHEFFEvents.ROLL_OUT event. This is useful when the component should visually change the state of the target object but not as a result of mouse interraction.

See also

public function buttonRollOver():void

Manually applies the roll over state on the target object, without the mouse getting over it, and dispatches the FLASHEFFEvents.ROLL_OVER event. This is useful when the component should visually change the state of the target object but not as a result of mouse interraction.

See also

public function changeTarget(newTarget:DisplayObject):void

Changes the target of the FlashEff by applying a hide first on the last visible target, then it shows the newTarget object with the selected show pattern. The method suppresses autoPlay and will count the delays.

newTarget:DisplayObject — The new target that the FlashEff will be applied on.

See also

public function dispatchEvent(ev:Event):Boolean

Dispatches a FLASHEFFEvent type of event.

ev:Event — The event object dispatched as parameter. This object has a type which usually is one of the types described in the FLASHEFFEvent class and additional information about the event that is being dispatched.

Boolean — A value of true if the event was successfully dispatched. A value of false indicates failure or that preventDefault() was called on the event.
public function drawTextTable(type:String, partialGroup:String, partialPercent:Number, selectedStrings:Array, partialStart:Number, partialBlurAmount:Number, cArray:Array = null):Boolean

Requests the breaking of the target text into the desired elements: characters (FeChar), words (FeGroup) or lines (FeGroup). The resulting elements will be placed into the absMatrix array and also into one of the absChars, absWords or absLines arrays, according to the elements into which the text was broken.

type:String — The elements into which the text will be broken. Supported values are "chars", "words", "lines" and "custom".
partialGroup:String — The elements into which the text will be broken for the partial effect. Supported values are "letters", "words" and "lines".
partialPercent:Number — The percentage of elements on which the effect will be applied.
selectedStrings:Array — A set of strings from the target text on which the effect will be applied.
partialStart:Number — The value represents the difference, in percentage of the main effect duration (100%), between the moment when the main effect starts and the moment when the secondary animation starts. A value of 0% means that the secondary animation begins at the same time as the main effect. A value of 50% means that the secondary animation begins when 50% of the main effect has already been played.
partialBlurAmount:Number — The amount of the blur filter applied on the elements of the secondary animation (the ones that are not included in the partial main effect).
cArray:Array (default = null) — [optional] The list of string lengths according to which the text should be broken. Can be used only if type is "custom". The default value is null. If the array consists of three elements, [3, 2, 7], then the target text will be broken into three elements: a string of 3 characters, a second string of 2 characters and a third one of 7 characters. If the text contains multiple lines and the last group of one of the lines should contain more characters than the line has left, that group will not be formed together with the first characters of the next line, instead will contain only the last characters of the line, even if the length of the string specified in the cArray parameter is higher than the number of the last characters of the line.

Boolean — A value of true if the text has been successfully broken into the desired elements.

See also

public function getFilter(filterName:String):IFlashEffFilter

Returns a reference to the filter pattern specified in the argument.

filterName:String — The full package and class name of the filter pattern that should be returned.

IFlashEffFilter — A reference to the desired filter pattern or the value null if it was not found among the filter patterns applied on the target object.

See also

public function getFilterAt(index:uint):IFlashEffFilter

Returns the filter pattern that exists at the specified index.

index:uint — The index which the target filter pattern has in the list of filters applied on the target symbol or text.

IFlashEffFilter — The filter pattern that is located at the specified index.

See also

public function hide():void

Hides the target object using the pattern currently applied on the target object (symbol or text field). If the FlashEff instance does not have a symbol or text pattern applied, it will not execute anything.

See also

public function removeAll():void

Removes all the show/hide effects, filters, commands and button effects added through the FlashEff object, to the target object (symbol or text field), canceling any functionality provided by them. This method will not remove the FlashEff object. To remove the FlashEff object too, you'll need to remove it from the display list.

public function removeAllCommands():void

Removes all the command patterns applied on the target object.

See also

public function removeAllCommandsByEventType(eventType:String):void

Removes all the command patterns from the target object, that are executed on a specified event.

eventType:String — The type of event for which all the command patterns will be removed. Possible values are rollOver, rollOut, press and release.

See also

public function removeAllFilters():void

Removes all the filter patterns applied on the current FlashEff component instance, visually removing them from the target symbol or text, but leaves all the other types of effects.

See also

public function removeButtonEffect():void

Removes the current ButtonEffect pattern from the target object and from the current FlashEff instance.

See also

public function removeCommand(command:IFlashEffCommand):void

Removes the specified command pattern instance from the target object.

command:IFlashEffCommand — The pattern instance that should be removed.

See also

public function removeCommandByName(commandName:String):void

Removes from the target object the command identified by its full path and class name.

commandName:String — The full path and class name of the command pattern to be removed.

See also

public function removeEffect(internalCall:Boolean = false, pattern:IFlashEffSymbolText = null):void

Stops and removes an effect applied on the target object, while that effect is still playing. This function will not have any effect if it's applied before the effect starts or after the effect has finished (except when isTargetVisibleAtEnd is set to true and the transition type was hide). Depending on the value of the internalCall argument, it can trigger a FLASHEFFEvents.TRANSITION_END event or not. If the method was called from within an internal class or a pattern object, this parameter should be true and the event will not trigger. If the method was called from outside the FlashEff class or outside the patterns, then the parameter's value should be false (the default value) and the FLASHEFFEvents.TRANSITION_END event will be triggered.

Also has the possibility to remove a specific symbol or text pattern from the target object, by specifying a second argument. If that pattern argument is not specified, the method removes the current symbol or text pattern that's being applied (while the transition is going on).

In case of a hide transition, either on a symbol or a text object, the target object will be rendered invisible in the end, by the transition. If removeEffect() is called after the transition has finished, the target object will be displayed only if the isTargetVisibleAtEnd is set to true, otherwise the target object will remain hidden (the method has no effect).

internalCall:Boolean (default = false) — [optional] Instructs the method to dispatch a FLASHEFFEvents.TRANSITION_END event, if the value is false, that is if the method is not called from inside a pattern object.
pattern:IFlashEffSymbolText (default = null) — The symbol or text pattern that should be removed from the list of patterns applied on the target object. That type of pattern is a show/hide pattern, meaning that it can only apply show or hide transitions on symbols or text fields.

See also

public function removeFilter(filter:IFlashEffFilter):Boolean

Removes a specified filter from the target symbol or text.

filter:IFlashEffFilter — The reference to the filter pattern, created separately by code.

Booleantrue if the filter has been successfully removed, false otherwise

See also

public function removeHideTransition():void

Removes the last symbol or text pattern used for the hide transition.

See also

public function removeShowTransition():void

Removes the last symbol or text pattern used for the show transition.

See also

public function setXML(xml:*):void

Allows setting up the component according to xml data passed as parameter.

xml:* — The XML object that contains setup information for the FlashEff component instance. It can be either of type XML, a XML object created by code, or of type String, the same xml data formatted as String.

See also

public function show(forceAutoHide:* = null):void

Applies a show transition on the target object, if a symbol or text pattern has been applied to it. If the FlashEff object does not have a symbol or text pattern applied, it will not execute any actions.

forceAutoHide:* (default = null) — [optional] If true, the show method will execute a show transition and then, force FlashEff to execute a hide transition after the time interval specified at hideDelay, even if hideAutoPlay is set to false. Otherwise, only the show transition will be executed.

See also

public function transitionEffect(transt:String = "show"):void

Starts a show or hide effect, according to the argument's value.

transt:String (default = "show") — The type of transition to be executed. Possible values are "show" and "hide".

See also