tx eff problems with director 11

Posted by caseyzen 
tx eff problems with director 11
November 18, 2008 06:10PM
I have made a flash movie with tx eff on some of the elements that are used in the flash movie. When i import my swf file into director 11, any element with the tx eff effect on it glitches out and does not work at all but any of the other elements without the tx eff component added work fine. Also the projector file that i published out of director, crashes the projector file that i published. Can anyone help me out?
Re: tx eff problems with director 11
November 19, 2008 07:15AM
The FlashEff component was created to be used with Flash and not Director. It has been tested only with Flash so we cannot say how or if the imported swf will work in Director. Regarding the projector, we genera projector files based on FlashEff animation and they worked just fine.
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